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Signature painting on verso

Sometimes artists choose to sign their paintings on the back for various reasons. The location of the signature is also referred to as On verso.

Signature on the back

One reason for this may be that the artist wants to prevent the signature from distracting from the work of art itself. A signature on the front can be too obvious or illegible, drawing the viewer's attention away from the painting's composition, colors or message. By signing at the back, the artist can confirm his identity as an artist without disturbing the artwork.

It is also possible that the artist uses the back to show the provenance and history of the work with labels, stamps or other information.

Personal reason

In some cases the artist will place a handwritten message for the buyer on the back, to emphasize their personal connection.

Vincent van Gogh

Artists may have a distinctive way of signing that suits their personality or artistic vision.

For example, Vincent van Gogh usually signed with only his first name, Vincent, to show his simplicity and authenticity.

Symbols, initials, monograms or figures are also used instead of their full name, with which the artist can distinguish himself or to create a mystery.


Each artist has his own motivation for signing In verso.

Most importantly, the signature is a way for the artist to complete his work and claim it as his own creation.


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