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What is a CITES statement?

Elephants are threatened with extinction. This is due, for example, to poaching for ivory. The African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) are therefore strictly protected CITES animals.

Do you want to sell, (re)import or (re)export ivory? Then you need an official CITES statement. There are rules for that.


These rules are contained in the international CITES agreement, described at thewebsite of  de Rijksoverheid.(RVO)

CITES stands for Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

CITES contains regulations on the international trade in protected species. And about transporting it.   

Source: RVO

Ivoor paar ruiters

If after appraisal it appears that your object complies with the rules for ivory as drawn up by the RvO, you can apply for an official CITES statement from the RVO on the basis of the appraisal report.

Peter van Os is a Registered Appraiser and as such an expert in valuing ivory and assessing whether it complies with the CITES rules.

If an ivory object meets the rules as laid down in the international CITES agreement, Peter van Os is authorized as an expert to draw up a valuation report with which a CITES certificate can be requested from the RVO.

If after appraisal it appears that your object complies with the rules for ivory as drawn up by the RvO, you can apply for an official CITES statement from the RVO on the basis of the appraisal report.

Peter van Os is a Registered Appraiser and as such an expert in valuing ivory and assessing whether it complies with the CITES rules.

If an ivory object meets the rules as laid down in the international CITES agreement, Peter van Os is authorized as an expert to draw up a valuation report with which a CITES certificate can be requested from the RVO.

Federation of TMV Appraisers
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